3. marts 2012 udskrev den siddende professor 2xP sit notoriske tema til afgørelse fredag d. 27. – søndag d. 9. april 2012. Det blev den så (afholdt
I de to måneder der er gået siden har jeg kun i yderst begrænset omfang opdateret ”I postkassen” – som jeg skrev andetsteds her d. 12/3, af selv-censur- og konkurrencemæssige hensyn…
Hermed en opdatering og af hvad der faktisk blev bestilt og kom i postkasse og fra andre plade-pushere siden… (i alt mellem 35 og 40 cd’er, lp’er og singler):
08. marts
“101 Punk & New Wave Anthems” 101 Punk & New Wave Anthems; Audio CD; £5.06
“Wild Flag” Wild Flag; Audio CD; £6.65
“Aureola” Hush Arbors / Arbouretum; Audio CD; £10.07
“Acrobats” Peggy Sue; Audio CD
“Fossils & Other Phantoms” Peggy Sue; Audio CD; £3.89
“Father, Son, Holy Ghost” GIRLS; Audio CD; £6.02
“Yolk” Japanese Voyeurs; Audio CD; £6.99
“Pure Garage Anthems” Various Artists; Audio CD; £6.99
“Dawnrazor” Fields Of The Nephilim; Audio CD; £3.28
10. marts
the kills the last goodbye 10” 9.99
the men open your heart CD 10.99
alabama shakes boys and girls CD 10.99
california x sucker / mummy 7” 4.99
12. marts
“Dangerhouse Vol. 2 CD” V/A; Audio CD; £7.95
“Dangerhouse Vol.1” V/A; Audio CD; £7.95
Tonight You Are the Special on” Earl Brutus; Audio CD; £3.82
Sas & The Glam That Goes With.” Earl Brutus; Audio CD; £0.99
21. marts:
America Give Up” Howler; Audio CD; £7.49
“Dynamite Steps” Twilight Singers; Audio CD; £8.47
“Hawk” Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan; Audio CD; £3.99
“Sweet Sour” Band Of Skulls; Audio CD; £6.97
“Sweet Oblivion” SCREAMING TREES; Audio CD; £5.80
“Blues Funeral” Mark Band Lanegan; Audio CD; £7.99
“Other Worlds” Screaming Trees; Audio CD; £5.90
“Clairvoyance” Screaming Trees; Audio CD; £12.33
25. marts
the birthday party peel sessions 1980 – 1982 LP 12.99
various – fame – jon savage’s secret history of post punk 1978 – 81 various – fame – jon savage’s secret history of post punk 1978 – 81 LPx2 19.99
stewart, mark the politics of envy CDx2 10.99
dead moon too many people – pre-order 7 6.99
the vivids mt radiant / hangman 7 6.99
30. marts:
Giant Sand – Drunken Bees” Giant Sand; DVD; $12.50
08. april
various – rough trade shops counter culture 09 various – rough trade shops counter culture 09 CDx2 5.99
various – rough trade shops counter culture 11 various – rough trade shops counter culture 11 CDx2 9.99
rough trade field notes rough trade field notes BOOK 3.99
15. april:
Free Blank Shots, Wallace Vanborn:, CD
Lions, liars guns & god, Wallace Vanborn: Free Blank Shots, CD & LP
20. april:
Los Angeles (Expanded and Remastered)” X; Audio CD; £5.47
Standards” Tortoise; Audio CD; £11.99
Wild Gift (Expanded and Remastered)”X; Audio CD; £5.47
Live at the Civic ’79” X (Australia); Audio CD; £8.42
Tortoise” Tortoise; Audio CD; £7.03
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